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• 盖茨贸易(上海)有限公司,注册地址:中国,上海市,中国(上海)自由贸易试验区,西里路55号1346室。

• 盖茨优霓塔传动系统(上海)有限公司,注册地址:中国,上海市,中国(上海)自由贸易试验区,华申路233号A部位。

• 盖茨优霓塔传动系统(苏州)有限公司,注册地址:中国,苏州市,苏州工业园区,海棠街15号。

• 盖茨汽车零件(苏州)有限公司,注册地址:中国,苏州市,苏州工业园区,唯亭镇,千人街155号。

• 盖茨液压技术(常州)有限公司,注册地址:中国,常州市,常州国家高新区,新北区科勒路11号。

• 盖茨胜地汽车水泵产品(烟台)有限责任公司,注册地址:中国,山东省,烟台经济技术开发区嘉陵江路51号。






此版本政策自2021 年11 月1 日起生效。



当您使用Gates 网站、应用程序和客户服务中心时,Gates 会收集关于您的信息。有些信息并不涉及个人身份,但我们可以通过这些信息了解您如何使用我们的服务以及如何与我们接洽(我们需要这些信息来提升服务质量,从而更好地为您服务)。


1. 当您与我们进行业务往来时,我们可能会收集您的职位信息、企业联系方式(包括电邮地址)以及企业详细信息(有些企业信息我们可能会从网上或公开企业名录中获取);

2. 您之前使用我们服务的日期和时间;

3. 您访问了我们网站的哪些网页及访问时长;

4. 您的IP 地址;

5. 您使用的互联网浏览器及设备;

6. 储存在用户本地终端上的数据 (Cookies)、像素标签 (Pixels) 及网络信标 (Beacon) 信息(请参见我们《储存在用户本地终端上的数据政策》(Cookie Policy) 以获取更多信息);

7. 您通过哪些网址访问我们的网站;

8. 您与我们客户服务中心的通话录音;以及

9. 您发送给我们信函中的所有信息。


Gates 仅处理收集信息的目的所必须的信息。您将一直有选择不接收我们的市场营销信息的选项(并可以随时撤销您先前的同意或拒绝)。我们不会向您发送来路不明的垃圾电子邮件或通信或与可能向您发送此类垃圾信息的任何人分享您的个人信息。






1. 不定期与您联系,向您发送有关促销、活动、产品、服务或我们认为您可能感兴趣的信息(请勿担心,我们不会进行信息轰炸);

2. 在您访问我们网站时放置非必要的储存在用户本地终端上的数据 (cookies)(请参见我们《储存在用户本地终端上的数据政策》(Cookie Policy) 以获取更多信息)。





1. 为回复您发送给我们的信函并解决您的需求(例如,服务请求、索取特定产品的宣传手册或信息、工作申请);

2. 为分析、评估、改进我们的产品和服务,以便您能够更加得心应手地访问和使用我们的网站、应用程序、客户服务中心和授权经销网络(我们通常使用多人混合数据,所以不会涉及辨识您的个人身份);除此之外,除非您提出反对,我们会为您提供服务、维护、保修信息和提示;

3. 为开展市场分析和研究(包括联系您参与客户调查),从而更好地了解您作为客户的需求并提供我们认为您会感兴趣的订制方案、产品和服务。只有在获得您的同意后或者在有法律豁免的情况下,我们才会向您发送市场营销信息;

4. 为了产品研发的目的(例如,为了提高产品质量、性能和安全性)。


5. 为不定期向现有客户发送市场营销信息(除非您提出反对)。对于我们通过电子邮件或短信向您发送的相关信息,信息中会包含取消订阅选项,您可以通过取消订阅拒绝再次接收此类消息;

6. 为识别并记录您是何时收到、打开或使用我们网站或电子通信的(更多信息请参见《储存在用户本地终端上的数据政策》(Cookie Policy));

7. 为管理您不定期参加的竞赛和促销活动并颁发奖品;

8. 为核实我们保留的关于您的个人信息的准确性,以便更好地了解您作为客户的需求。




• 出于网络和信息安全的考虑,我们会根据适用法律的要求采取措施防止您的信息被丢失、损坏、盗用或未经授权的访问;

• 为满足您行使权利的相关请求(例如,如果您要求我们不要向您发送营销信息,我们会将您的要求记录在禁止清单中,以便执行);

• 为通知您我们的相关条款和条件以及政策的更新。





我们可能会与其他Gates 实体共享您的个人信息。Gates 实体列表可见https://www.gates.com。我们还可能会聘请分包商(“处理者”)按照我们的指示,出于本政策中的一个或多个目的处理您的个人信息。我们将始终确保落实合同保障措施。如果我们需要将您的个人信息传送至中国境外,我们将采取适当的保障措施确保数据得到充分保护。如法律要求,我们会与信息接收人签订数据处理/传输协议。如果您需要了解更多关于适当保障措施的信息(或希望获得相关副本),请通过电子邮件 [email protected] 与我们联系。



我们不会蓄意向14 岁以下儿童索取个人信息或进行市场营销。如果父母或监护人发现其儿童在未经父母或监护人同意的情况下向我们提供个人信息, 请通过电子邮件[email protected] 与我们联系。我们将在合理的时间内从我们存档中删除相应信息。


Gates 已采取措施防止未经授权访问我们信息技术系统的行为。只有经授权人员通过安全的互联网或内联网使用个人登录名和密码才可以访问您的个人信息。经授权人员只有在其具体职责的规定范围内才可以访问个人信息。

此外,Gates 还采取了适当的技术性、物理性和组织性措施防止您的个人信息被未经授权地或非故意地删除、修改、披露、以及被滥用、损坏或窃取。

Gates 还制定了处理可疑数据安全漏洞的流程,并会根据法律要求向您或相关监管机构通知任何安全漏洞。

关于以上措施的更多信息,请通过电子邮件 [email protected]与我们联系。



Gates 发布了数据保留和数据保留时间表政策。如果您对个人信息的保留时间有其他疑问,请通过电子邮件 [email protected] 随时与我们联系。




特殊情况外,我们将在收到您的请求(包括所需的身份证明文件)后15 个工作日内回复您。如果我们不能满足您的请求,我们会向您解释原因。


1. 索要我们保留的关于您的个人信息的副本;

2. 更正并更新您的个人信息;

3. 撤销(处理信息所需的)同意;撤销同意不会影响撤销前进行的任何处理。更多信息请参见上文“我们如何使用这些信息”部分;

4. 如果我们没有任何持续性合法理由继续使用和处理您的个人信息,您有权限制或拒绝我们使用该等信息;

5. 您有权知晓我们收集并使用您的个人信息的规则。我们制定本政策,以保证您的此项权利。

6. 如果我们没有任何持续性合法理由继续使用和处理您的个人信息,您有权删除(或限制使用)该等信息;

7. 当我们需要获得您的同意才可以使用和处理您的个人信息,或需要处理与您的合同有关的信息,您可以要求我们以结构化的数据文件(以常用的机器可读格式)传送您的信息。

您可以通过电子邮件 [email protected] 与我们联系,以便行使上述权利和/或管理您的信息。


Gates China Privacy Policy


This Policy applies to the following Gates entities (collectively, “Gates”, “we”, “us” or “our”):

• Gates Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., with registered office at 1346 No.55 Xili Road, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, China.

• Gates Unitta Power Transmission (Shanghai) Limited, with registered office at Apartment A, No.233 HuaShen Road, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, China.

• Gates Unitta Power Transmission (Suzhou) Limited, with registered office at No.15 HaiTang Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, China.

• Gates Auto Parts (Suzhou) Co., Ltd, with registered office at No.155 QianRen Street, Weiting Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, China.

• Gates Fluid Power Technologies (Changzhou) Co., Ltd., with registered office at No. 11 Kohler Road, Changzhou National Hi-tech District, Jiangsu Province, Changzhou, China.

• Gates Winhere Automotive Pump Products (Yantai) Co. Ltd., with registered office at No.51 Jialingjiang Road, Yantai Economic and Technological Development Zone, Shandong, China.

Gates is committed to protecting and respecting any personal information you share with us. Gates will be acting as a "data controller" for the processing activities described in this Policy, which means that we define the purposes and the means for these processing activities.

This Policy describes what types of information we collect from you, how it is used by us, how we share it with others, how you can manage the information we hold, and how you can contact us. This Policy may be supplemented by Privacy Statements for certain websites and applications and you should refer to those statements for additional information.

If you do not agree to the processing of your personal information in the way this Policy describes, please do not provide your personal information when requested and stop using Gates websites. By continuing to use Gates websites you are acknowledging our rules regarding your personal information as described in this Policy.

We will always give you the option to choose not to receive marketing communications from us. We will never send you unsolicited ‘junk’ email or communications, or share your personal information with anyone else who might. We do not sell your information to third parties, but we do work closely with selected partners who help us to provide you with the information, products and services that you request from us.

The contents of this Policy may change so please check this page from time to time. When required, we will also contact you directly to notify you of any substantial changes.

This version of our Policy is effective as of November 1, 2021.


We collect information about you when you engage with our website, applications or authorised distribution network. We only collect information which is necessary, relevant and adequate for the purpose for which you are providing it to us.

We collect information about you when you use Gates websites, applications and customer service centres. Some of this information does not identify you personally, but provides us with information about how you use our services and engage with us (we use this information to improve our services and make them more useful to you).

The information we collect includes some or all of the following:

1. Where you engage us in a business context, we may collect your job title, company contact details (including email addresses), and company details (some of which we may obtain from an online or public business directories);

2. The date and time you used our services;

3. The pages you visited on our website and how long you visited them;

4. Your IP address;

5. The internet browser and devices you are using;

6. Cookies, Pixels or Beacon information (for more information please see our Cookie Policy);

7. The website address from which you accessed our website;

8. Voice recordings of calls you make to our customer service centre; and

9. Any information within correspondence you send to us.


Gates will only process information that is necessary for the purpose for which it has been collected. You will always have the option to choose not to receive marketing communications from us (and you can withdraw any previous consent or object at any time). We will never send you unsolicited ‘junk’ email or communications, or share your personal information with anyone else who might.

There are various ways in which we may use or process your personal information. We list these below:

Contractual performance

We may use and process your personal information where this is necessary to perform a contract with you and to fulfill and complete your orders, purchases and other transactions entered into with us (or one of our authorised repairers or selected partners).


Where you have provided your consent, we may use and process your information to:

1. Contact you from time to time about promotions, events, products, services or information which we think may be of interest to you (don’t worry, we won’t bombard you);

2. The placement of non-essential cookies when you visit our website (see Cookie Policy for more information).

You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us on the details provided within the “How can I manage the information we hold about you” section below or, in relation to any marketing messages you receive, by using the unsubscribe option included in those messages.

Expanded services for which we use your personal information

We may use and process your personal information as set out below where it is necessary for us to provide expanded services for you.

Processing necessary for us to support customers with sales and other enquiries:

1. To respond to correspondence you send to us and fulfill the requests you make to us (for example: service requests, brochure requests or information about specific products, job applications);

2. To analyse, evaluate and improve our products and services so that your visit and use of our website, applications, customer service centre and authorised distribution network are more useful and enjoyable (we will generally use data amalgamated from many people so that it doesn’t identify you personally); and to provide service, maintenance and warranty information and reminders, unless you object;

3. To undertake market analyses and research (including contacting you with customer surveys) so that we can better understand you as a customer and provide tailored offers, products and services in which we think you will be interested. We will only send

marketing communications to you if you have provided your consent for us to do so or if a legal exemption applies; and

4. For product development purposes (for example, to improve product quality, performance and safety).

Processing necessary for us to promote our business, brands and products and measure the reach and effectiveness of our campaigns:

5. To contact our existing clients from time to time with marketing information (unless you object). In relation to any such information we send by email or SMS, we will include an option allowing you to object to receiving future messages by unsubscribing;

6. To identify and record when you have received, opened or engaged with our website or electronic communications (please see our Cookie Policy for more information);

7. To administer competitions and promotions that you enter with us from time to time and to distribute prizes;

8. To verify the accuracy of information that we hold about you and create a better understanding of you as a customer.

If you object to our use of your personal information for expanded services above, you may not be able to use the relevant expanded services, but you can continue to use the basic functions of our websites.

Legal obligation

We may process your personal information to comply with our legal requirements. For instance,

• For network and information security purposes, as applicable laws require us to take steps to protect your information against loss, damage, theft or unauthorised access;

• To comply with a request from you in connection with the exercise of your rights (for example, where you have asked us not to contact you for marketing purposes, we will keep a record of this on our suppression lists in order to be able to comply with your request); and

• To inform you of updates to our terms and conditions and policies.

Vital interest

Sometimes we will need to process your personal information to contact you if there is an urgent safety or product recall notice and we need to tell you about it.


We do not sell your information to third parties, but we do work closely with our authorised distribution network and with third party suppliers who fulfill business activities for us (e.g. marketing, events and market research, etc.).

We may share your personal information with other Gates entities. A list of Gates entities can be found at https://www.gates.com. We may also engage subcontractors (“processors”), who will only process your personal information as per our instructions for one or more of the purposes mentioned in this Policy. We will always make sure that contractual safeguards are in place. If we need to transfer your personal information outside of the PRC, we will make sure appropriate safeguards are taken to guarantee an adequate level of data protection and that data processing/transferring agreements are signed with the data recipients if required by laws. If you want more information on those appropriate safeguards (or you want a copy thereof), you can send an email to [email protected].

Your personal information may be transferred to regulatory, enforcement bodies or courts as required by applicable law or regulations or at their request, subject to applicable law. In addition, your personal information may also be transferred to another business entity in connection with the sale, assignment, merger, or other transfer of all or a portion of our business to that business entity.


We do not knowingly solicit personal information from or market to children under the age of 14. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with information without their consent, he or she should contact us at: [email protected]. We will delete such information from our files within a reasonable time.


Gates has taken measures to secure its IT systems against unauthorized access. Only authorized persons have access to your information, based on a personal login and password and only via a secure internet or intranet connection. Access to personal information by an authorized person is permitted only to the extent relevant in the context of that authorized person’s specific assignment.

In addition, Gates has implemented appropriate technical, physical and organizational measures to protect your information against unauthorized or unintentional removal, modification or disclosure and against misuse, damage and theft.

Gates has procedures in place to address suspected data security breaches and will notify you or any applicable regulator of any breach if we are legally required to do so.

For more information on these measures, please contact us via [email protected].


We will not hold your personal information in an identifiable format for any longer than is necessary. If you are a customer or otherwise have a relationship with us, we will hold personal information about you for a longer period than if we have obtained your details in connection with a prospective relationship.

Gates has published a data retention and data retention schedules policy. In case you have any further questions on the data retention periods relevant for your personal information, you can always contact us at: [email protected].


You have the right as an individual to access your personal information we hold about you and make corrections, if necessary. You also have the right to withdraw any consent you have previously given us and ask us to erase information we hold about you. You can also object to us using your personal information (where we rely on our business interests to process and use your personal information).

You have a number of rights in relation to your personal information under data protection law. In relation to most rights, we will ask you for information to confirm your identity and, where applicable, to help us search for your personal information. Except in rare cases, we will respond to you within 15 working days after we have received any request (including any identification documents requested). If we do not fulfil your request, we will explain why.

You have the right to:

1. Ask for a copy of the information that we hold about you;

2. Correct and update your information;

3. Withdraw your consent (where we rely on it), however, the withdrawal will not impact any processing before the withdrawal. Please see further How do we use this information above;

4. Restrict or object to our use of your information provided we do not have any continuing lawful reason to continue to use and process the information;

5. Be informed of the rules about the collection and use of your personal information by us. We are doing so by providing this Policy.

6. Erase your information (or restrict the use of it), provided we do not have any continuing lawful reason to continue to use and process that information; and

7. Transfer your information in a structured data file (in a commonly used and machine readable format), where we rely on your consent to use and process your personal information or need to process it in connection with your contract.

You can exercise the above rights and/or manage your information by contacting us via [email protected].

If you are unhappy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection regulator in the PRC.

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